Wednesday, June 1, 2011

16 Weeks...more to come.

Gah! I have a ton to post! But first, new Mcnew #3.  He/She is doing great! We got to take a peek and get an opinion of what the doctor thinks.  I'm not sold so I'm not sharing, but do not distress dear friends-the wait is only 3 more weeks!  My blood pressure is under control with meds and my headaches are being treated as they happen but I will probably have to see a neurologist soon. Cameron is now bent on a baby sister. He does not want a "stinky brother."  Kei now is in the brother seat.  I think mostly because he gets picked on and he's realizing he's going to be a "Big Brother" himself.  The headaches are stupid insane, but I've really seen my Father's provisions in this and I think in a way they help me stop and rest.  It's been NON-STOP!  However, I have only been getting them on mostly convenient days.  The house is disgusting but now that work and school are over, I can start working on it.  I have a lot to do in the boys room to make it big enough for three. EEEE!  I think we will repaint my precious Pooh stripes either way but mostly if it is a girl.  I also have to give credit where credit is due.  Adam has been so wonderful to me. I've never had such a hard time in a pregnancy...Cam's was no picnic during the first trimester but this is something else. He has taken care of me and his boys and he's been so helpful around the house and even manages to sneak out with his wife for some much needed quiet time.

We have finshed and survived Kindergarten with the most wonderful teacher.

My next sister graduated college from UNT! Woo Sis!

My baby sister "gradymutated" from good ole White Oak High!

And I'm pretty sure we found a church to become members.

I keep all of my pictures on my laptop and it's crapping out.  I'm working on transferring everything to my desktop so when that is complete I will share some pictures with you.  Love you all and I pray for you often! TTFN!!!  Woo hoo hoo hooooo!

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Post for New McNew you can see we are expecting McNew #3!  I'm about nine weeks along and we had our first ultrasound last week and so far so good.  We weren't trying for a girl or anything.  I just thought I wasn't crazy enough.  :) This will be the last though-God willing. 

Adam has been absolutely wonderful! I nearly lost it taking out the trash and he was trying to sleep in and gear himself towards his night shift.  I had to get this trash OUT! He got up and did it! Wish it were always like that, haha.  I've never been as squeamish as I am with this one.  What kind of child will it be that the smell of detergent makes me want to gag, yet a hot dog sounds so very appealing?! The headaches are back full swing but fortunately I have wonderful boys who let their Mama rest. 

As far as the boys go, Kei says he wants a sister but he really doesn't seem to care or know what's going on.  Cam on the other hand has a question everyday! When we first told him he grabbed my belly and said, "Be a brother! Be a brother! BE A BROTHER!"  Now he thinks it's a sister.  I think it's in part because everyone keeps saying they think it's a girl.  He picked a name though-all by himself.  Lindsey Rose.  Isn't that sweet! I actually kinda like it except I had a dog named Lindsey growing up.  On the other hand I had a dear friend with the same name and she was the awesomest!  Either way, it's the only name we've come up with.  I'm not sweating it yet as I have plenty of time.

So there it is!  I'll try to behave about posting.  I'm quitting every thing so I can be at home, obviously.  Back to square one. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cleanest window seal in all of Texas

So yesterday Adam offered to clean the bathroom for me because I wasn't feeling good. I should just suck it up because I never feel well anymore, lol. BUT...he offered and who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? He neatly laid paper towels in the window seal and sprayed them with bleach.

The bath tub is atrocious. It's horrendous. It's vile. It's MILDEWY!!!!

I've NEVER been the kind of person to let it get out of hand like that. I guess I am now. So, yes, it needed drastic measures. I came home from Cameron's tee ball practice (is it tee ball or t-ball?) and noticed those paper towels were still there. Ok, in all the years I have worked with kids you'd think I wouldn't have this-thing-with paper towels, but I do! Wet, soggy, flimsy tissue or paper product of any kind gives me the willies! So my loving Aunt cleaned it up for me. :)

The point? Well, that was the ONLY thing in the bathroom that got cleaned. In fact, the rest is covered in cleaning supplies and the rubbish from the shower! He meant well, but at least I now have the cleanest window seal in all of Texas!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wow...I really think it's time to update things. Maybe that will be a goal. So much fun stuff to post since forever ago and chances are I haven't followed your blog either. Grateful for FB but missing the blog scene. Love you guys.

but wait...there's more


I'm sure poor Simon is thinking something like "Kiss my fluffy tail!" Unfortunately, he was the practice target with new flash. Sorry Simon.

Jasper-olie! He's officially ours! He was a rescue a few months ago and my neighbor brought him home and asked for my help. We all fell in love and thought Samson could use a play buddy. The sad thing is Samson attacked my sister (nothing awful) and bit her leg. We couldn't have him in our back yard with our boys. It's just Jasper now and life is great with my sweet puppy! Don't you love his ears!

I have no clue what he was saying but we were about to play Super Mario Bros. Yahtzee! So fun!

That is indeed my 3 year old sitting in a box, eating a hot pocket watching tv. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I wish we could find more seasons :( The boys fell in love with this show over spring break.

New toy

So...these aren't in order and I honestly don't care nor have time to place them as such, but the gist of it all is my new CAMERA!!!! Adam said that if we could find him a truck for less than $4500 I would get a dSLR! Y'all, let me tell you....that truck was $3400! So who got a camera? ME! A Nikon D3100 and the stinker got me a lense and a flash! Woo hoo!!! So my subjects are:

This is our friend BJ Lancaster and this is his and Lauren' s sweet baby girl, Kairi. (Spoken Kyree). This is actually dork night at our house and little Miss was pooped!

Adam teaching our son which mini's (yes-a lot of dork speak going on, so bear with me) are evil, neutral, good, chaotic....blah, blah, blah. Cam was of course interested in getting to play with the toys.

...and this is how Kei took it all.

One of the mini's for the dork's delight. It was just a cool picture. I didn't have my flash yet.

Here's the big guy putting his Dallas Stars decal on the back of his new truck. It must be a man thing similar to christening or something.

Until next time....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Outta commision...

This is my darling 3 year old, Keiler Aiden. He is such a cheeseball. You know what they say about those cheeseballs-they never fall far from the table. Whatever that means. He is just like his daddy though. Just. Like. Daddy.

Yes, this is my five year old playing football! His team, the Packers, were runners up in this years super bowl! Adam asked if he should build a trophy case when Cam recieved his very first trophy. I figured we'd find somewhere to keep it.

Cameron turned 5 this past summer and you know what they say about cheeseballs? They like Mario Bros. too. Just. Like. Daddy.

Speaking of cheeseballs, here is the crusty 30 year old one! Like the dice? Yeah, it's because he is 30 and STILL plays DnD. Mmmmm hmmmm....

Maybe someday God will show me grace and favor and give me a darling little girl who is sure to be a cheeseball as well and...Just. Like. Daddy. But at least she should be cute! (hehe! Just. Like. Mommy.)

Well, since my desktop has been out of commision, it has been incredibly disheartening to even take pictures with no where to really store them. Call it the OCD in me. Even though there are plenty of pc's in the house, I love the software used to organize and name them on my computer. Hence, no blogs. But since we are entering the best time of year I have decided to hunt down my info and log in. Maybe I will even do a little blogging. ;) My love to those of you who do check in periodically (since you are more than likely family) and I will try to post a couple of pics. Until then. Hope you enjoyed the few to tide you over.