Monday, October 15, 2007

now this is exhausted

He's been sleeping in our room and you can tell he's used to having more space than what he's gettin' here.

Friday, October 12, 2007

all kinds of stuff

This was done Kei's first week. It was just some promo that Sam's Club was doing. I scanned it to share with you, but it's grainy because of the textured paper. There were other shots, but I'm keeping 'em under wraps for Christmas presents. This will be one too, but I am hanging this up on the wall and I'm NOT waiting for Christmas. They were all very precious pictures.

Other than a brief and very minor infection, Kei is doing well. I'm willing to bet he's up to 9 pounds now. Cameron is enjoying school very much and adores "Miss Londa and Miss Steffi." Adam's classes are going well too. He's just very busy as he works through his senior year. He seems to be doing well and he's always doing homework. We IM while he's in Tyler so Cam can hear "Daddy" talk. It's the cutest thing. Adam has a dragon and when he laughs, Cam knows that I'm talking to Daddy. So Adam will randomly laugh to let Cam know he's thinking of him. He'll hightail it from the back of the house if he hears it.

As far as sleep...well, I put Kei in his bed a couple nights ago and let Cam sleep on the couch in our room. He's already developing a routine and is nursing better. He'll sleep for a really good stretch and then it's back to the 3 hour period we normally go for feedings. Last night was a major step back. He went down at midnight and woke up at 3 and stayed up until 6! I'm pooped! We'll keep trying. One thing that has helped is after he eats and me and Cam eat we try to make it outside for a bit. Thanks Jen! I think this is helping too. I have certainly noticed him wanting to sleep more when the lights are on. This is something I'll just keep working on. Last night was also the first night both boys stayed in the room together. Kei would scream, but Cam stayed asleep! Yea!!!! Now when Kei finally went to sleep Cam woke up crying begging me to lay down with him. SIGH...if it's not one, it's the other, lol. I get cranky, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. However, Adam definitely noticed how sweet I am when I do get sleep. LOL. I think that is about it for now.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

School Picture 2007

I had to do a special post for Cam's school picture. He was just too funny! I had to laugh and I instantly wished I would have gotten more. He can be so cheesy!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

sleep baby, sleep

Any suggestions for a baby who won't sleep? I know each child is different, but I'm finding it hard to manage during the day because little Kei has these periods at night where he is awake from feeding to feeding. Cameron did this too, but he had his own room and I simply turned down the monitor and left him there. It's becoming difficult to stay in a good mood and get things done in the day and deal with Cameron. I've tried to keep him up in the day, but he turns to spaghetti and refuses to wake up. So some suggestions, tips or any advice would be nice about now! He does have good awake periods in the day, in fact, today he spent about 7 hours up if not more. He should be sleeping more, but all he wants to do is nurse! That explains the 11 ounces he's gained since last Wednesday. 8 pounds 11 ounces now.

Friday, October 5, 2007

stupid, stupid people

Adam comes home last night cracking up about something and finally tells me what happened to come home from work in such a good mood. I am going to try and not give too much info out so as to not get Adam into trouble, but this story was too good to pass up.

Last night a couple was in the store looking around. Apparently, they were spotted stealing cd's. I'm not sure of the stores procedures if they suspect theft, but the couple left and then the employees found the empty cases confirming the theft. Well, the couple comes back up to the door and asks for their CAR KEYS! This was at closing so the doors were locked. They offered the stolen goods in exchange knowing they had been found out. The cd's were returned but the cops were called instead of returning the keys. Adam didn't know what happened to the couple because his shift had ended.

So two things can be learned from this story: First, you will get caught someday if you do things you know you shouldn't and second, if you are going to do something, do it right!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

sick of sickness

Well, the last two weeks have been both eventful and enjoyable. Keiler is starting to adjust to night time sleeping and Cameron has been off and on sick. The last 5 nights have been the worst yet. It's an ongoing conspiracy between the two to not let me get good rest. I think Keiler is ready for me to start somewhat scheduling sleep and feeding. By "scheduling" I mean forming a somewhat predictable routine. Cameron has got the crud AGAIN! I don't know what keeps causing it. Although this time it seems more allergy related. The bumps on his bottom though? It looks like chickenpox, but it would be everywhere, right? So, that is what keeps him popping into my room all night. One night I woke up so very confused. I must have walked him to bed and got into bed with him. Adam laughed at me because I had no recollection of Cam getting me or anything.

Keiler is up to 8 pounds now! I keep worrying that he doesn't get enough to eat, but I guess with weight gain like that (or the enormous amount of diapers he's been through) I shouldn't. Cameron is getting so tall, he measured 35 inches at his well checkup. He's up to almost 32 pounds as well. He's a big boy that is for sure! He's been starting to talk in complete sentences and asking properly if he wants something. "Momma, may I please have a drink of juice?" It's so cute! Now if I could just get him interested in potty training...

He's for the most part oblivious to the fact he's got a sibling. He will ask to hold Keiler though only to shove him back at me and say, "Momma hold baby Keiler." He doesn't get jealous though or at least he doesn't act it. I feel bad sometimes though because it seems like Kei is always eating and I can't tend to Cameron when he wants it. He doesn't seem to mind though, so I don't beat myself up about it.

We'll see what this mystery rash is and if I can get Kei on a more predictable sleeping schedule in the next week.
Keiler's big pretty eyes!

We're actually awake and looking out the window.

mmmmmm...brownie batter.

I'll post another picture so you can see how much he's grown since his first week. He is so tiny.

Guess what we're watching to make Cam sit there perfectly still.
The Wiggles!
Still in newborn clothing at 2 1/2 weeks! At least now it fits and doesn't swallow him.
This was just a sweet Daddy picture from the other night. He has some pretty long fingers.