So we went with dump trucks and diggers of course.
Kei looked pretty spiffy in his party hat!
Yeah, we stuffed our faces with awesome hamburgers and hotdogs! Thanks Adam for grilling!
That's my mom, aka Grammy, and Heather!
KayKay of course and even Pops managed to make the celebration despite being in a LOT of pain! Thanks Pops!
Just so you know (in case it's not pretty obvious) that is Josh's mom, Becky Feller. So to clarify, it's my sister's mother-in-law! Isn't that cool! Josh and I graduated the same year so I knew his mom anyways, but it's neat how we're all a family.
Cam had no idea what this present from NatNat was for!
And you couldn't see his face, but he was clearly wondering why we were singing Happy Birthday to him and I had his dump truck and no cake.
Then he saw the candle and it was okay.
It took him a minute to figure out that you could eat the "dirt" cake. The gummy worms were kind of a give away.
So he served himself!
Oma called to see if he'd gotten his present yet, and he hadn't but he was ready to see what was outside.
He had fun eating "dirt" cake.
He wanted to fix everyone else's, but we left that to Kayla.
Keiler thought it was yummy stuff too. He was wearing his dump truck outfit for the festivities.
We DID give him a real spoon, but...
So this is what he got from Oma, Opa and Aunt Vikki. Adam and I spent all of Cam's actual birthday putting it together. I'm quite handy with a powerdrill if I do say so myself. It was fun to build and even more fun to watch him enjoy it.
He got his first big boy race track from Mrs. Becky! He LOVES it! He drags it out almost everyday! He's finally got a use for all those Hot Wheels cars, lol.

This is the sandbox! I was so excited when Daniel and Vicky, aka Grandma and Grandpa, volunteered to build it! I had no IDEA that he was going to get a construction themed one! He really enjoys it!
We so have a kid-friendly back yard now! We've been going out everyday and I'm so happy that Cam wants to! He's not a park in front of the tv kinda kid.
It's got a mini picnic table under the slide and yes, that is a swing for little brother!
And he likes it very much too! Now what on earth am I gonna do for HIS first birthday!?
We let Cam open the presents outside which was difficult but I'd been telling him that he could go outside as soon as he ate cake and he was going to hold me to it.

These are all courtesy of Grandpa. I have more from my aunt's camera that I'll post later. Ours is still on the fritz.
Grandma letting Kei get his feet dirty! He absolutely loved it!
Clearly. explain this face. My sister got Cam the Chipmunk Adventure DVD! It was one of my most favorite movies as a kid. Since Cam likes the new Chipmunk movie she figured he (and of course I) would like it.
I think we all got the kid some sandbox toys. I have to trade them out and take some out before we play.
My sister's friend Jaime (sorry if I didn't spell your name right!) playing with party poppers, lol. And yes, we got a pool! Thanks Aunt Vikki!

I think everyone enjoyed playing in the sandbox!

That's my mom, aka Grammy, and Heather!
This is the sandbox! I was so excited when Daniel and Vicky, aka Grandma and Grandpa, volunteered to build it! I had no IDEA that he was going to get a construction themed one! He really enjoys it!