Monday, September 29, 2008

My Big Ole Little Boy

12 month Checkup
Height: 29 1/4 inches
Weight: 20 lbs. 9 ozs.

We ARE growing! Almost too fast for my taste, but he's still such a little squirt! Keiler is a very persistent child. When he gets something in his head, by golly he's gonna do it! I love that even though it can mean trouble. He absolutely adores his big brother and that is finally going the other way around too. Cameron is always trying to show little brother how to tee tee in the potty (btw, Cam is sleeping in his underwear from time to time now!), sing our Good Morning Sunshine song to baby bro in the morning, play with him before bed and throw toys in Kei's bed so he can play AND he prays for his little brother in almost all of our prayers! It's so sweet to see them become little buddies. I just hope when we decide to have the next one that it goes the same. Keiler still isn't talking a whole lot, but this kid CAN MOVE! I talked to our pediatrician about my concern for his lack of conversation but he said that both boys behavior is very typical for first born and second born.
Some cute Kei-isms:
  • A la la- I love you
  • Bubba/tac- Cameron...Tac took me a while to figure out....
  • Mommmmma-I'm starving, feed me!
  • Dada-ok, I'm sure you can figure that one out
  • buh bye-that one too
  • ni ni-night night
Kei is a bottomless pit most days...although he's finding that he doesn't care much for veggies and things with course textures. He wasn't so picky before so this is a little bit frustrating. He's very healthy, vibrant and his smile just lights up a room or house! His laugh is so contagious and his curls-Absolutely precious!
Here's some cute pics of recent developments/events or just for the sake of being cute.

Playing in the sand box is OH so fun!
Kei had his first stomach virus late last month. This was at midnight-ish after a bath. That was a LONG night. He's quite a Daddy's boy don't ya think?
I don't think I'd be all that crazy to have those fingers in my mouth either Daddy. Kei was sure having fun though.
Kei really likes Oreo cookies.
No, at this point he hasn't had another haircut. I have a hard time parting with those sweet little angel wings. He got one just the other day though, so I'll post some pics...eventually.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricanes and Birthdays

Kei wearing big bro's present...I got a little out of order.

Cam was truly surprised (ahem) about getting a gift from Heather and Josh.

He got the Dallas Cowboys hat and jersey tee.
He's hauling baby brother to the festivities...he knew he was going to get to help open presents. :)

YAY! New clothes. Despite having Cam's and another friend's little boy's stuff (who was born the same month) nothing fits my little squirt!

Some decor for those bare bedroom walls! They matched perfectly Aunt Vikki! Duh, huh?

Kei LOVES his ball popper from Aunt Heather and Uncle Josh. Can we say SPOILED?

He started to get the hang of unwrapping.

K, both boys really like this toy. The only down side is that the gears come off-which is cool-but they get lost. Constantly.

I'm so hungry.

What's this?

/golfclap. "You clap halfheartedly, clearly unimpressed."

What is this goop?

So I had to help him out since all he was doing was playing; I think it helped.

Hey. This isn't bad.

YAY!!!! This stuff ROCKS!!!

Gimme more!

Cameron had to get in on the action.

Do you remember the Smurfs theme song?
la, la, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, laaaaa...

This is so much fun!

MORE, MORE, MORE! Who cares about a tummy ache!?

The cake turned out really pretty!

I had them put a collage I made with a picture from every month. The little car and trains were from the party set we used.

But in the was all eaten...or destroyed.

Notice how all the window shots look dark? That's bc of Ike...No one came to the party because we were in the middle of a tropical depression. Nice. We still got everything done before electricity was lost. It was about 2 in the afternoon here.

Kei and Aunt Vikki being silly.

Our yard was pretty ransacked. That's okay though, Cam helped clean it up.

It took a full day of mowing, hauling and raking to get it in order, but worth it because the kids couldn't play in all that mess.

Oma and Opa playing on their gift to the boys.

This was the morning after the bad weather...Amazing! It was in and out and left gorgeous days behind!

Keiler Aiden is ONE!

Things I've learned in my second "first year":

  1. Baby slobber dissolves the ink off of Scrabble tiles
  2. Bubbles in the bathtub ARE made from toots (thank you Cameron for that one)
  3. Size really doesn't matter (even though you are small you are loved in a very big way!)
  4. Wii and PlayStation games do not like the previously mentioned baby slobber
  5. Sand is no fun in diapers
  6. all kinds of new words: sloller-slobber and brudder-brother
  7. that sharing to a big sib is pretty one sided
  8. that a older sib WILL blame a 8 month old of hijacking his "punjelly" sandwich and eating it (of course I found out that it REALLY did happen!)
  9. that even though they come from a swim in the same gene pool they could not be any more similar than that
  10. It's just as much fun the second time around as it was the first if not better! Something about having an older brother to laugh at and keep up with makes the second one just as wonderous as the first.