Yesterday Cameron got his first goose egg. So he's been going around saying, "bump on head." The best I can figure how it happened is he pushed my desk chair into the kitchen - which is only like 4 feet away-and as he was climbing into the chair to get something off the counter, the chair rolled out from underneath him and he busted it on the floor...head on. I ran to the kitchen and aside from a couple of tears he appeared ok. About a minute or so later I noticed this huge knot above his left eye and that is when I effectively lost it freaking him out even more. He kept saying, "Mommy, okay? Mommy, okay?" It just kept getting bigger and bigger, I was so scared! Thank goodness Adam missed class yesterday morning, he took Cameron and I got him some ice. It was at that point I decided we should go to the ER. Adam suggested we call the pediatrician first so I did and we were doing everything right. Today the swelling has gone down a bunch; He just looks like his forehead is slightly misshapen. We followed him around all day trying to keep "Super the Man" from busting his head again. He was back to climbing in chairs and jumping off of beds in no time. I was about to have a heart attack! Anyways we tried to get some shots of it, but the swelling had already gone down quite a bit by lunch. I guess what bothered me most was how I lost complete control! I hope it's just because I'm pregnant. I nearly burned down our last apartment and didn't freak out at all! I've worked with kids who have done far worse and for some reason I just lost all objectivity. I hope I can get a grip next time as I'm sure there will be.
And before you say it...yes that is a cream soda, and no we didn't let him have the whole can, just a few drinks of what was left. No this isn't a normal habit, but I felt bad for him.
aww tough little guy :)
shesh, don't you hate it when stuff like that happens. Ryan got one too only it was right under his eye so he had a black eye for about 2 weeks. Terrible.
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