Thursday, August 16, 2007


August 28, 2005 little over 1 mo. old.
same as previous post

No, I'm not having twins, but I came across a young baby Cam photo and you just have to see these two side by side. It's amazing!


laureenmakowski said...

wow they look just alike! yay!

CollyWolly said...

Just over one month left. You have officially reached the WORST part about being pregnant. Good luck! Do you think you'll go full term?

The McNews said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Jen :) lol. I'm doing ok, I think the anxiety is getting to me. These 4am nights are killing me. The way I've been feeling, I don't think I'll make it full term. I don't think I'll go extra early, but maybe, HOPEFULLY, a week or so. I'm craving new blogs!

Thanks Miss Laureen! Now you'll get mini-Cam hugs, lol. Cam was talking about you last night!