Wednesday, September 12, 2007

To the Hospital...again

So my daredevil child, or rather, my sleep deprived accident on two feet did it again. Yep, again. We were outside playing, and I have to admit our patio is a disgrace, when Cameron slipped on a piece of sidewalk chalk and fell down. He'd been crying since at least we came home from school so I noticed no difference in those tears from any other shed that afternoon. Upon returning inside, he threw himself down on the floor kicking and screaming. I didn't actually realize he was hurt until second timeout in his room. He kept saying, "Mommy hurt you, kiss it better." He then offered his left arm. Once we got him settled down enough we realized he wasn't lifting his arm at all and if we touched it fresh tears and cries ensued. We just took him to the ER. He did okay for the nurse (of course) but when the doctor came in and messed with his arm that bottom lip got to quivering. It was so cute and sad all at once. The doctor said it could be several things: a fracture in his forearm, wrist, or elbow, a compacted something or other in the same place, a sprain, or he dislocated his elbow or wrist. We then had x-rays! He did so much better than the ones we did of his head. By the time that was done this kid was jumping around, leaning on his arm, grabbing for candy, holding Howie and whatever else you can think of in an ER bed that a perfectly fine two year old would do. SIGH... The doctor said he dislocated something, but either in later fits or just being handled he fixed it on his own and that it was just tender. TENDER!!!! Let me tell you! While I'm glad he was okay, I'm so tired of these daredevil stunts that land us in the hospital. I don't freak out about everything, but when your child can't and won't lift his arm something is wrong. Oh, the only reason we took him for x-rays on his head is because both of his eyes turned horribly black. The doctor thought this could be a sign of fracture somewhere on his head. You just have to go have it checked out, but that wasn't an ER visit. It's the principle of the matter. We just started the 2's I should go ahead and sign up for med school, I'll know about everything by the time Cam reaches 3 and I don't even want to think of what he'll get his little brother to do, lol.

1 comment:

CollyWolly said...

oh my goodness! Well, at least he didn't break his arm. And I think you were good to notice it right away. My friend didn't notice her kid's arm was broken for two days! Hope he is recovering from the tenderness okay.