Friday, May 30, 2008

Family Vacation!

So it's been a long time since I've posted. In that time:
  • Kei has learned to pull up
  • Kei has started 3rd foods and table foods
  • he's started crawling on his hands and knees
  • Cam is starting to play with Kei
  • I've decided to start back to part time work
  • AND we went on a family vacation to San Antonio
Whew! That's a lot! I've been so busy I've really not had the time to get any coherent thoughts even together. So we did go on vacation and so here are some pictures! We had a great trip and because of naps we didn't get a whole lot done, but for a first vacation we really did get a lot done.

Kei making some silly faces. He was so tired during the Sea World day.
Uncle Max was one of Cam's favorites.
It was absolutely mad. We went May 18th thinking it wouldn't be bad. I could not have been more wrong. We did, however, get to see the Shamu show. Kei DID NOT like the splash zone...AT ALL!
After every show we would put Kei back in the stroller and he would crash.
We got to see the penguin exhibit. I think Cam was a little disappointed they didn't dance like in Happy Feet.
Yeah, we had some seriously tired boys. Aunt Vikki got Cam a Shamu doll that he "splashed" us with the rest of the trip. He LOVED being splashed by the way.
We got Kei a cute little bitty walrus. His eyes were as big as Kei's.
Cam showing off his red tongue.
We rode the trolley the whole time. That suited Cameron just fine. Although trying to get Kei's stroller everywhere was a pain.
We went to the San Antonio Children's Museum. Cameron had lots of fun. They really had a lot of interesting exhibits but mostly for older children. Cameron was not at all interested in listening to the stories.
Bubble rig was neat.
I'm not even sure what this was, but both boys thought it was neat.
Everything was connected so Cam turned the wheel and Kei looked at the pretty circles.
Cam was crazy about the excavator. He did this most of the time we were there.
Kei just crashed everywhere and anywhere poor little guy. He did super good.
We walked most everywhere and ate great! We were on our way to the Rainforest Cafe and had to stop so Cam could feel the "blowdryer."
Cameron and Aunt Vikki on the river tour. We all really enjoyed the boat ride. It was nice and comfortable considering it was mid nineties the whole time we were there.
Kei got a kick out of just being out of the stroller I think.
We had a great time although I felt like I needed a vacation FROM the kids after it was over. They were great and we so couldn't have done this without Aunt Vikki! I wouldn't have gotten a hot dinner if it weren't for her holding Kei. Oh, this trip is when I discovered Kei was ready for solids. He ate so much while we were gone and hasn't quite quit yet.


Jessica said...

Sounds like you guys had a ton of fun! And I'm so glad they did good. We are going on vacation in two weeks.

I'm interested in the job...but can you give me more details?

So when are we gonna quit talking about getting together and actually do it? hehe :)

laureenmakowski said...

kei is turning into such a cutie!!

CollyWolly said...

I've been slacking major on the comments. Yea for vacations. Yea for daddy going along. Yea for matching outfits.