Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We Love You Scoochers

January 18, 2004 - July 7, 2008

We recently had to tell our furry family member good bye. Scooch had chronic problems with urinary tract infections and this last trip to the vet proved what a toll they'd taken on our poor Scoocher Moocher. Surgery was an option, but they weren't sure what state his kidneys were in or if he'd even make it through. It's weird to not see him laying around the house already. It seemed very real last night when I left the door open and no Scooch came to snuggle. We'll miss our kitty and resident dog very much. We all loved how he fetched and when he wasn't lazing about he was VERY playful. We even managed to teach him to speak when we were playing. I can't imagine not finding my hair bands all over the house. It was hard to not see him as his playful self lately. So, here is a little tribute to Scooch who will be very much missed.

Just a couple of days old Scooch, Simon and sibs.

Scooch has the "tear drops" under both eyes. He always looked so sad.
I guess you can imagine why we named him Scooch. He had the hardest time of all trying to get around.

He was such a cute kitten! Such a wee fluffball!

This is just to show how tiny he was. He was up to 14 lbs. I believe, at a previous checkup!

This cat could sleep ANYWHERE!

Those big eyes! He was always ready to play!

This was about when he started to get his fluff and more personality.

We're wondering how Simon will do without his brother. So far he's been getting stuck in the boys room which is a Scooch trademark. I'm not sure if he's looking for his brother or not. They've always been close brothers, snuggle buddies and playmates.

They were just so cute!

This is what I meant by the hair band statement.

Scooch was so good with the boys. He was even better as a baby!

One of the rare moments that Scooch and Willow were snuggling. He usually found great joy in tormenting her throughout the house.

He caught it!

He was good with the boys and he liked to sleep in Cameron's bed. Cameron thought it was fun and doesn't understand that Scooch isn't coming home.

We'd find him about anywhere!

Watch out bugs.

He still kept those little "tear drops."

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