Thursday, April 16, 2009


Cameron will say the funniest things and do them. The other day I was laying in bed with Kei because his tummy was upset. My aunt stayed home from work that day so I had Cam stay in the livingroom for rest time with her. He knows how to work the dvr and I didn't think I'd fall asleep so I just handed him the remote. Of course I fell asleep too. About an hour later Cam walks in and I keep my eyes shut hoping he'll leave so he won't wake up Kei (this was Monday...he'd been up a lot of that night with diarrhea and vomiting). Cameron walks up to the bed and says "Mommy." Then exhales loudly in my face with minty breath. I keep my eyes closed because I hear Kei rustling and then Cam says "Mommy" and exhales again. Only that time he drools ALL OVER my face. EWWWW! LOL! I'm kind of shaking but he doesn't notice and starts to wipe or smear the minty slober EVERYWHERE! By this time the comotion woke up brother and I couldn't really hide my giggles anymore. He was showing me he brushed the "plaquey germs" off his teeth.

Today he informs me that I needed to clean the bathroom. "Mom, you need to clean this bathroom. It's nasty." I clean it every Friday and if I get lucky to think about it, I'll wipe the potty down midweek to avoid such comments.

One of my personal favorites: "Mom, I can't sleep in my room. It's a nightmare." Wonder where he's heard that one. We're working really hard on trying to teach him to clean up his own messes but he's figured out the deal. If he says brother made X messes Mom cleans those up so..."Mom, Keiler made the whole mess." Yeah, right. It's possible, totally possible, but the impossible thing would be Cameron making NO mess. So now we tag team and race so we can get outside faster or have a popsicle or make cookies. Kei is getting the hang of picking up so there is some healthy competition there.

Saturday, Adam was getting Cam ready for bed and over the monitor I hear a hard, long sigh. "Daddy, it's been a hard day!" Adam dies laughing and shares the statement with me. Kids.

I've taken a few more pics of my rugrat rebel so I'll post those. Thanks to all our family that's helped Kei through these first few days. He's figuring it out and we even caught him on the coffee table...I better quit typing and get in there, lol.


So we have our first broken bone with the boys. It happened a couple of days ago at the park. Kei was sitting in my lap on a slide when his shoe caught on the side and pulled his leg down and under mine while we went down. I thought at first his hip was dislocated, and he was less than cooperative with our pediatrician. We went home and muddled through the night...still having stomach issues with a bad stomach bug. He hardly slept and could not bear weight at all. Pops was the first to notice his swollen ankle. Of course at the doctor's office his whole leg was swollen so it was hard to notice that until later. We went back yesterday and that is when our doctor and his wonderful staff suffered the screams of my child and found the break in his tibia. We went directly to the Orthopedist where they confirmed the break and casted his whole leg. I was surprised in his almost sudden change. He seemed happier and not near as in pain. He slept the whole night...yes, the whole night and woke up happy and finally able to stomach real food. He got to get out today with Daddy and Grandpa and brother. He is pretty frustrated about being stuck in the floor but he's already figuring out how to crawl around. We'll go back next week to x-ray his leg again to make sure it's healing correctly and then another 3 weeks in the cast. Gonna be a whole new normal around here for the next month. You've seen his eating pictures and now we can't give him proper baths, lol. Fun, fun! I'm thanking God though because this could have been so much worse. Here are some pictures from last night after we got home. He was pretty pooped out.

The Aunties had to sign his cast of course. Cam doesn't really understand what is going on. He's a little frustrated that life isn't going on as normal. Fortunately lots of family have pitched in taking him to the park and outside so things are somewhat normal.