Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday was our Thanksgiving Feast at school. I dressed the boys up for kicks and grins and because it's just fun to dress up my little guys from time to time. Cam looked so handsome :) I love this shirt Grandma Vicki!So goofy!
Kei had the grouchies this morning so the only smiles we really got were if I was holding him tickling him.
Doesn't he look so sweet! Cam got this from a friend and didn't get to wear it all that long. Kei's got a while on it.
It was really hard to get him to take a serious smile.
We're having lots of fun this fall. It's the first time we've really been able to talk about the changing seasons and what goes on.

I still have to get the pics from the camcorder so I'll have those super soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What happens when Mommy takes a break...

You know, kids are worth every ounce of trouble and destruction they may bring. This is what happens when I take breaks or get occupied doing other things around the house. Laugh, go on. Remember, I'm gonna be cleaning that peanut butter up for a LONG time.

Yummy sour cream... this was last night, but I still wasn't watching him.

Kei just looks like an orangutan to me.

We had mexican food last night and Kei liked it...not so sure his shirt did though.

Adam and I got the new WoW expansion pack and while we were loading it and looking at it I let Cam have some peanut butter and those 100 calorie pack oreos. He's pretty responsible as 3 year olds go. I thought he could handle it for a few minutes at least. I was SOOOOOOOO wrong.

Any bets on how long this is gonna take me to clean up? I'm not really sure how the cars fit into his scheme...I'm not really sure what he was even thinking. Somehow I don't think he would know either.

"Mom! I cleaned up the living room! I did my chores!" No, really. That's what he said. I'm sure Adam taught him this one. Just cover it up with a towel and somehow that means "It's Clean!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Birthday gifts...

Being cute at dinner time. Kei is very entertaining at the table. I wish he would talk but his smacking sound for food is too funny. He sees your food and smack, smack, smack.
Cam has rota virus. Fun, fun...he's been just laying around for almost 5 days now. I finally took him to the dr. to be told to pretty much keep doing what I'm doing. Oh well. He's worth it! He was really excited that Simon decided to lay down with him. You like his tag. I wonder if he'll ever outgrow that or his thumb.
Simon is laying with me!!! Simon is really good with the boys, but he really doesn't snuggle with them at all. What a treat for Cam.
I subconsciencely dress me and the boys alike. Yesterday was brown day although you really can't see my shirt. I don't mean to do it-in fact, I didn't even notice until about dinner time last night.
Since we went to the dr. instead of nap Cameron had an early bedtime. 6!!! I carried him to bed and changed him into his pull-up and he didn't budge. He did wake up about 7:15-bathtime-because he peed out of his pull-up. Way to go mom... Oh well, he was back in bed and asleep at 8. Quite a quiet night.

All these photos were taken with my birthday present! Adam got me a new camera...It's adorable! White with pink polka dots. I really had a great birthday. Adam took me to dinner at Olive Garden and the boys got me some cute pink jammies with different colored polka dots! 27 ain't that bad :) I love you guys. Thank you for making my birthday a special day!! You guys are the best gift ever!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hello! Yes, it's been a long while. A LOT has happened since the last post. I have to admit though, it's not as fun posting without pics. My camera has failed me. BUT Adam got a really spiffy camcorder at his Best Buy retreat in Miami and it takes pretty good pictures!

First, Kei is getting ALL of his one year molars at once! We've had a rough weekend but he's all grins now. He ran pretty high fever and found it pretty hard to sleep. We're giving him Tylenol before bed now and that seems to be doing the trick. The slobber is out of hand though.

He's just so happy. He's content to just hang out with brother, play with his trucks, get into the trash and any other gross thing and snuggle! He is my cuddler for sure!
Cam has got allergies right now. Lots of coughing but he's doing really good other than that. He's starting to eat more veggies, YAY! He's learning a few sight words and, the, of and he knows trucks like nobody's business! We're are addicted to the Tonka books. I picked out a shirt for Kei for Christmas and it said Bulldozer on it. I showed it to Cam and he said, "That's not a bulldozer- that's a excavator!" He was right, and I can't believe I didn't notice, but we're keeping it.
SOOOOOOOOOO...One of our good friends was at the Halloween football game, Jacob. He was doing one of his many jobs as EMT there...I think. So Cam got an upclose and personal tour of the ambulance! Mr. Jacob even let him wear some fire gear! Lemme tell you- the kid was on cloud nine! He even got to play with the lights!
Kei wasn't feeling good but just to show you how snuggly he is, he has only met Jacob 3 or 4 times but wanted to be held and snuggled sooooo bad! I was a bit jealous. He was snuggling with anyone who'd hold him- including an adorable little girl who I've never seen before in my life. Anyone but me that is.
So we did Chunky monkey and Pirate this year. Thanks to old costumes and Rachel who gave us Brooks costume from last year. Cam really played it up...well some, with some help from mommy. Ahoy there mateys! He LOVED his pirate "tickles." Daddy did a full out beard Halloween night for the game. BTW, the football game was Kayla's senior night! We just couldn't miss it. Plus the boys did Halloween with my mom and dad and the girls at the bandboosters carnival (which they loved and I loved because I got a whole night off) and they had parties at school. We just showed off to a few neighbors first. Special thanks to Grandma Sylvia for the treat bags and the card that was oh so true!Daddy and his monsters.
Kei's party at school. He had no problem eating an entire cookie. One of the mom's was totally shocked. He's the smallest in class.

This is Cam's class! It's a really big class for 3 year olds, but Mrs. Gayla and Mrs. Rebekah are awesome!These kids got almost too much stuff. I'm gonna have to give some of it, er, a lot of it to my sisters. I didn't go all out on the "tickles" like daddy.
Also, thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the cute cards! Cam knew exactly what he wanted. A cement mixer to put his candy in. So he got a toy tonka mixer that mixed nerds, skittles and other things that were no fun trying to get out. Kei got a baby tonka truck set so he could be like brother and have his OWN trucks! Cement mixer included of course.