Thursday, October 4, 2007

sick of sickness

Well, the last two weeks have been both eventful and enjoyable. Keiler is starting to adjust to night time sleeping and Cameron has been off and on sick. The last 5 nights have been the worst yet. It's an ongoing conspiracy between the two to not let me get good rest. I think Keiler is ready for me to start somewhat scheduling sleep and feeding. By "scheduling" I mean forming a somewhat predictable routine. Cameron has got the crud AGAIN! I don't know what keeps causing it. Although this time it seems more allergy related. The bumps on his bottom though? It looks like chickenpox, but it would be everywhere, right? So, that is what keeps him popping into my room all night. One night I woke up so very confused. I must have walked him to bed and got into bed with him. Adam laughed at me because I had no recollection of Cam getting me or anything.

Keiler is up to 8 pounds now! I keep worrying that he doesn't get enough to eat, but I guess with weight gain like that (or the enormous amount of diapers he's been through) I shouldn't. Cameron is getting so tall, he measured 35 inches at his well checkup. He's up to almost 32 pounds as well. He's a big boy that is for sure! He's been starting to talk in complete sentences and asking properly if he wants something. "Momma, may I please have a drink of juice?" It's so cute! Now if I could just get him interested in potty training...

He's for the most part oblivious to the fact he's got a sibling. He will ask to hold Keiler though only to shove him back at me and say, "Momma hold baby Keiler." He doesn't get jealous though or at least he doesn't act it. I feel bad sometimes though because it seems like Kei is always eating and I can't tend to Cameron when he wants it. He doesn't seem to mind though, so I don't beat myself up about it.

We'll see what this mystery rash is and if I can get Kei on a more predictable sleeping schedule in the next week.
Keiler's big pretty eyes!

We're actually awake and looking out the window.

mmmmmm...brownie batter.

I'll post another picture so you can see how much he's grown since his first week. He is so tiny.

Guess what we're watching to make Cam sit there perfectly still.
The Wiggles!
Still in newborn clothing at 2 1/2 weeks! At least now it fits and doesn't swallow him.
This was just a sweet Daddy picture from the other night. He has some pretty long fingers.

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