Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, now that we are 2 weeks into the new year, I hope that all of you are finding it so far successful for change. While I myself usually do not do resolutions (seems far to committal, lol) I do try and set small goals for myself and this year for my family. First is to just to be a little more organized in everything I do. I set up some chore charts for daily and weekly of things that I think can be accomplished in that time. I'm not a neat freak, but a little organization I think would help me out a ton. Second is to develop a stable schedule for the boys. Yes we have a routine, but I'm finding between nursing the baby and making sure Cam goes down early enough I was just attempting to get little goals accomplished throughout the day. If Cam goes down for nap to late it's near impossible to get him into bed. So I'm trying to make sure both are in bed and asleep by 9:30 if not sooner and up no later than 8:00. This has been hard for me because from about 5 at night until they are asleep I have enough time to cram a bit of dinner in my mouth, but Cam seems to have fewer mini meltdowns during the day. I'm also trying to make myself get into bed sooner and keep the chores at a minimum then. It is usually the time of day when I have no distractions to get housework done and see Adam, but sleep deprivation and a two year old are just not a pleasant couple. I'm learning (as is everyone in the house, sorry Aunt Vikki, is) to live with a little messiness.

Well, on to the fun. We decided to let Cam stay up for New Years this year. It was in part to the craziness of the holiday season and also because I wasn't sure he'd stay in bed when all of us were still up. It was me, Adam, Auntie Vikki and Kayla. So we had nachos for dinner and let Cam have some Dr. Pepper too. He really liked this. For desert we indulged in some treats from Christmas and had some eggnog. I just put some in Cam's milk. I wasn't sure he'd actually be able to handle it, but the sugar seemed to have given him the boost needed to stay up until midnight and throw one of the biggest fits ever when going to bed. I took some pictures and a video to kind of catalog Cam's first new year so here it is.

MEMO: I'm having a ton of issues getting the pictures up, so I'll keep working on that.

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