Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Keiler at 4 months

So I haven't mentioned the little one in a while and figured now would be a good time since he had his 4 month check up last week. He weighed14lbs. 7 ozs. was 25 1/4 in. long. He looked great and the doctor was very happy I am still breastfeeding. He is on cereal and fruits and veggies at night now. He wasn't quite making it through the night, but he still nurses 6 times a day. He is holding his head and upper body up well and even tries to pull him self into sitting when he is leaning on us. He can roll over from back to front, but hasn't quite mastered the front to back roll yet. I check on him all the time at night now. Cameron was just the opposite; he'd roll from front to back. He is also sleeping soundly through the night most nights; we do have a few here and there where he feels like he should be held. He goes to bed about 8:30 and gets up around 7:30. We are having a difficult time trying to have consistent naps in the day. Sometimes its two good ones about 10 and 2 or one chunky one about noon. Here are a few Kei pics.

First night to do cereal. He does pretty good. Loves squash and carrots and isn't crazy about bananas or sweet potatoes.
I love this picture! He's just so different from when he was born. He's getting to be such a pretty boy.
Teddy bear jammies and teddy bear house shoes.
We tried to get some photos to do a post but I never found one I loved, this was the best, but neither of the boys were cooperating. You can see Kei's chubby little legs though! :D
Cam really is a super big brother. He loves to talk to Kei and make him squeal-which he does quite often now-and smile.
This is Kei with Rachel's daughter Kerrigan. She is a couple month younger than Kei.
He's really gonna hate me for making him wear that silly hat someday, but it's so cute!
We are finally in the exersaucer. He loves it. Cam is loving it again. As a matter of fact he got stuck in it today.
He is really quite a vocal and active child. He is always moving when he's awake and even when he's not. I'll check on him frequently throughout the night and he's always somewhere else in his bed.
He rolled over!

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