Friday, March 14, 2008

School Easter Party and other things

Sweet baby faces!
We've been cleaning the garage and yard up. Cam was helping feed the kitties.
Kei got to jump around in the garage while we worked. Some people have all the fun. :D
I think Kei's tummy is as big as Cam's now. He is finally down to 4 nursings a day! He eats babyfood breakfast and dinner.
Daddy playing around after a hard days work!
He's so cute! He's so snuggly. He wants attention and to be held all the time. He's SO different from Cam. I can easily see him being the more sensitive of the two.
Cam at school on the play yard looking for eggs.
He got tired of looking and decided that his froggy easter basket wanted to swing.
Forget lunch...Give me ICING!
That was GOOD icing!

Daddy with his boys! I was proud of him to show his affection publicly to his boys. It really touched me.
"Kei, stop it!" Cam talks to his brother like this all the time! It's hard to explain to a 2 yr. old that his brother doesn't understand all of what he's doing so he doesn't get into trouble like Cam does. This time they were playing and everyone thought it was funny! Go Bananas little monkey!

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