Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I tee teed in the toilet.

Well, I haven't done a post in a while. I went to see my friend Laura and her darling new baby girl in Louisiana and left my camera there :( We had a blast even though between all the kiddos we didn't get too much time to just visit and eat chocolate like I hoped, but it was great to get to hold Miss Isabelle! I've got some pictures posted on MySpace so swing by and I'll post more when I get my camera back.

The real reason I'm blogging is because Cameron just went "tee tee in the toilet"!!!!!! I'm so proud I could just pop! I haven't pressed the issue. I had one day during Christmas where we put big boy pants on him and tried it out and I told him it was okay if he wasn't ready, but I'd like for him to see if it's something he liked. My mom used M&M's with us so I have a small bowl in the bathroom for extra incentive. Well, it turned out a disaster and the candy has been sitting there since.

Last summer he seemed interested, but nothing ever happened. We couldn't get him to go in the toilet or even tell us. So we just let him accompany us to the restroom and flush and wash hands. Then Kei was born and the issue was dropped altogether. He seemed to be okay wearing the same diapers as his baby brother.

Lately I've begun to wonder if I wasn't going to have to make an issue of it. He hasn't even wanted his diapers changed. So, tonight of course just caught me completely off guard. After bath we went to his room and I was getting his jammies out and he said he had to go tee tee in the toilet. I didn't expect anything because he does this often thinking that he will get M&M's for just standing there. My cell phone rang and he was flushing the toilet so I just left him there playing-at least that's what I thought he was doing. I walked back in there and he's standing against the toilet peeing! I about had a fit! I could not believe it! He knew he had to go and he did it all by himself. I wasn't even in there! Of course he got his M&M's and we told Daddy and Aunt Vikki and Grammy. I made the biggest deal about it! He even tried to go again but was frustrated: "I can't go." So we explained to him about how your body works and he instantly wanted a big glass of water, lol. So, tomorrow we're going to go get big boy underwear and really start the whole potty training adventure!


Jessica said...

Congratulations! That is great! He is turning into a Big Boy!

Anonymous said...

You GO Cam and Mom!!! It's a frustrating thing, toilet training, but the rewards are well worth it! I'm proud of you and your family, my wonderful daughter! I'm so proud and humbled to be your dad.