Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Potty training...Day 2

Well, today went as well as can be expected. We got up and ate breakfast and I put a pair of underwear on Cam and a t-shirt. I didn't want to burden him with extra clothes or myself with extra wash. He did good. I asked him about every 30 min. if he needed to go potty and he said no. The last time I asked was about 1030 and I was thinking, "Does this kid ever pee?" Well, 10 minutes later, my question was answered by a splashing sound on the carpet. He stopped playing with his 'car transporter' and looked at me. "Go! Cam, hurry!" So we hit the hall running to the potty and he gets very frustrated and upset: "I can't." After a small upset I told him it was perfectly okay, he's still learning and it's going to take time and messes. He was much better after I got him another pair of underwear. I guess he thought he was going to have to keep the wet ones on. Not 10 minutes later he finished what he started. So back to the bathroom and more consoling. I didn't have anymore underwear so i just put on a diaper which was okay because he ended up going with his daddy to work. (He loves going to Best Buy.)

This afternoon he finally got the courage up to try again. I went and bought underwear(some cute ones too) and pull-ups with the cool feel. He didn't even bother with those. So hopefully tomorrow it will be better with real undies. Anyways, he tried one more time this afternoon. He stood there for like 5 minutes. I was standing outside because he told me to leave. He was very happy when daddy came to help though. Alas, nothing happened.

Finally it was bath time. Adam usually gives him his baths if he's home so he was with Cam. I was talking to Mom and Cam runs into the kitchen, chocolate all over his smiling face: "I did it Mommy! I did it!" So another round of cheers and claps. I guess today wasn't a total loss. However, his daddy won't be here at all tomorrow....what's a girl to do? :D Maybe he'll go at least twice.

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