Monday, February 25, 2008

Potty training...week 2

Thanks Jen for your encouraging words and sorry I haven't posted on the subject in a while. We've actually had a couple of mentionable moments, but I've been a little ADD this past week. (Mostly watching him, lol.)

So about 10 days in (and several poopy pants later) Cam finally pooped in the toilet! (I hate using that word, but it's kinda where we're at right now. ) It was exhausting! In talking to some other friends I've found that this is the hardest part of toilet training. With Cam, I basically have to watch him like a hawk for signs of "going." (There, that's better.) He'd initially tell me he had to "go" and I'd take him in there. Well, two books later and every verse known to man of "Happy and you Know it" I got kinda tired sitting on the counter watching him play. My goal was to get him to relax and hopefully feel comfortable sitting there. I think he was a bit too comfortable. So I finally got him down. Just five minutes later he comes in again having to "go". I didn't wait near as long this time and he didn't want me to leave-totally understandable. I was trying to do all I could to get him to go because 1. I was tired of soiled undies and 2. he gets so upset when he does go in his pants. Not but a couple of minutes later I see him out of the corner of my eye and his face is all red. I hauled out of the chair and grabbed him and parked his little tail on the toilet where he successfully "went" in the toilet! We screamed and cheered and gave him a special treat. I was fully confident that like potty-ing once he did it, he would be fine and go again. I was so very, VERY WRONG. Yesterday was the first day since that he "went" in the toilet. Today he "went" in his pants again. I can't get mad at him though. We dump what we can in the toilet and wash our hands. He says, "Sorry, Mommy" the whole time. I know he doesn't mean to, but for some reason when he sits on that toilet he just can't for whatever reason. So I'm watching him for any sign. I was nursing Kei today when he did it the first time and we were outside playing the second, so he probably didn't even know he had to go then.

The potty-ing on the other hand is going great! He's finally to the point of going on his own and I don't check every 20 minutes. I'm still kind of watching his drink intake, but other than that, he's so eager to get M&M's he takes the initiative. I have to say watching him is amusing. He sometimes starts looking around and shoots it behind the toilet and goes "Oops!" and sometimes he pees all over his shirt. It's so funny. Today he said, "Look, I made bubbles! It's yellow!" I couldn't help but just laugh at him. He also "draws". I don't know what else to call it, but I would compare it to any other guy writing his name in the snow. Haha! Little boys!

In other news:
Kei is a regular roly-poly and eating 2 meals a day now. This is the frustrating part of nursing. I think I'm going to call my doctor because he seems hungry all the time. Once I start reducing feedings I don't think I make much milk for the feedings we do keep. It's not like just doing away with the supply for the one meal, it's taking away from the rest of the day it seems. He's FINALLY starting to laugh, but it seems painful for him. I'll try and get a video up.

Bedtime is getting better all the time. Cam is finally staying in bed. I'm not wearing the carpet in the hall out anymore lugging him back to bed 30 times until 10 pm. Although now he wakes up before dawn. I'm so spoiled.

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