Yeah, I'm one of "those" moms. The ones who feel compelled to dress their children alike. I guess it's because they are SO different, it's kinda nice seeing them have SOMETHING in common. Can you tell Kei's hair is getting more red?
"Das good chocolate puddeeng!" He's a messy eater on his best days, but I don't really know how he managed this. Adam said he gets it from me. Okay, I AM pretty messy when I eat.
I've wanted one of those Bumbo chairs forever, but at 40$ it's just not practical. So I did this with Cam and it worked. It's even better now, because I don't have to worry about Cameron's hot wheels all over the place. I stick Kei in the basket and he's good to go!
He's actually doing pretty well sitting up with just a little support, but he'd rather roll ALL OVER CREATION.
Have you seen my posts regarding these EXACT SAME TOPICS? There is one of Ryan COVERED in pudding. And I also recently posted about wanting a bumbo chair. You and I were definetely separated at birth.
That is so funny! I always SWORE I wouldn't be one of those moms. The moms that dress their kids like twins even though they're not! And now I do it all the time! I love it!!!
Speaking of Bumbo, I have one you are more than welcome to borrow. It was one of Ethan's Christmas gifts and now he doesn't need it. It doesn't look like Kei will need it too much longer, though! He is getting so big!!
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