Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Birthday gifts...

Being cute at dinner time. Kei is very entertaining at the table. I wish he would talk but his smacking sound for food is too funny. He sees your food and smack, smack, smack.
Cam has rota virus. Fun, fun...he's been just laying around for almost 5 days now. I finally took him to the dr. to be told to pretty much keep doing what I'm doing. Oh well. He's worth it! He was really excited that Simon decided to lay down with him. You like his tag. I wonder if he'll ever outgrow that or his thumb.
Simon is laying with me!!! Simon is really good with the boys, but he really doesn't snuggle with them at all. What a treat for Cam.
I subconsciencely dress me and the boys alike. Yesterday was brown day although you really can't see my shirt. I don't mean to do it-in fact, I didn't even notice until about dinner time last night.
Since we went to the dr. instead of nap Cameron had an early bedtime. 6!!! I carried him to bed and changed him into his pull-up and he didn't budge. He did wake up about 7:15-bathtime-because he peed out of his pull-up. Way to go mom... Oh well, he was back in bed and asleep at 8. Quite a quiet night.

All these photos were taken with my birthday present! Adam got me a new camera...It's adorable! White with pink polka dots. I really had a great birthday. Adam took me to dinner at Olive Garden and the boys got me some cute pink jammies with different colored polka dots! 27 ain't that bad :) I love you guys. Thank you for making my birthday a special day!! You guys are the best gift ever!

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