Friday, December 12, 2008

So of course my aunt gets them matching jammies they must be subjected to a small photo shoot! I think they are starting to favor each other more.

Kei is finally coming around to our bedtime routine of reading stories. He wasn't as interested as Cam was at this age, but that's okay. It is so much fun to sit there with them even if it's just a mini Bible story.
I can't believe I caught this on camera! Cameron very rarely hugs his brother. It's amazing to watch them grow together and learn to love each other.
Of course we got Aunt Vikki in on the shot! Thanks for the jammies Aunt Vikki!
This was the morning of the day of doom for Kei. He took a few pics and then busted his head on my desk to the left. All that came out of that though was a line bruise across the little sore on his chin you see in this picture.

We went to the store after that and when we got home, Kei tripped and scraped his head on the concrete. This was followed by a night of throwing up. His little body did not like all that head banging he did. There was a small bruise on the other side of his head from the desk incident and the photo really doesn't show how awful it ended up looking. Not a good day for us...not a good day at all.A couple of days after Thanksgiving we put the tree up. Normally Saturdays because Adam always works black friday. I hate that day. But then we get to decorate the day after and that is a lot of fun :)
Cam putting the first ornament on the tree! It's a little Polar Bear of course!
Kei thought the lights and beads and garland was AMAZING!
Yeah, see...beads.
Kei helped Aunt Vikki with her tree in the dining room. It's fun to have two trees in the house!
We did Thanksgiving with Grandpa and Grandma and our cousins so on Friday we had a Birthday dinner for Pops with all our leftovers! What a FEAST! The festivities proved to be a bit much for our little Cowboy fan. He crashed in the floor while watching Chipmunks!
Before the crash. I thought it was cute that Kei sat down with his big brother. He trys to do everything like his big brother :) Sometimes it goes the other way though.
Cam is wearing, yes, a football "helmet" and throwing his "football." That is an Easter egg. Good form if I say so myself.
Kei just looking oh so big boy.
We got his curls OFF this time. Of course Daddy liked it but I love the curls...they'll come back :D

1 comment:

CollyWolly said...

Ryan and Evan have the SAME matching jammies. I kid you not.